Alphabet of the second chance
Alphabet of the Second Chance
after Donna Hilbert
I believe in the alphabet
and in the sound of words:
Zinnia. Echinacea.
Joe Pye Weed.
I believe in the parenthesis of pines
around this old pond.
And our long dirt driveway through woods,
and the stonewalls of its long sentence.
I believe in this hometown I have returned to
after 40 years, like a good book you want to read again.
In stopping to talk to folks you still recognize.
In the turn of the key in our post office boxes.
I believe in the melted cheese sandwich
my husband of eight years just brought me when I got back.
And the way he said, “Have fun,”
as I turned on my computer to write.
I believe in our marriage:
this thing I did not know I could have.
Kate Young Wilder